Welcome to the Phlogging of J Warren Wolski
First off, what is “The Phlogging of J Warren Wolski”? It’s my PHoto bLOG. Get it? Hopefully it doesn’t turn out to be as painful as it sounds, for either of us.
I read a blog about ‘how to write a blog’ (because I do that sort of thing), and they had a quote from Kurt Vonnegut, “Write to please just one person,” and that is what you’ll find here. I write to please me, the same person I seek to please with my photography. Is that a selfish attitude? Maybe, but I am inviting others in to read it, so I guess that’s something. Granted, that was probably not the point that the blog post about writing blog posts was trying to make, but I rarely get the intended point of something; I am a creative after all.
I heard photographer Colleen Miniuk in an interview on David Johnston’s podcast, The Landscape Photography Show say, “If you’ve ever taken two different ideas and put them together in your head, you’ve been creative.” I thought to myself, “I do that. I do that all the time. That’s all I do. I’m doing that right now (I have to figure out how to link all these names I’m dropping).” So this is what you’ll find here, in The Phlogging of J Warren Wolski; lots of random thoughts strung together in a way that I find interesting.
And you’ll read some of these thoughts and ideas, though I don’t know if I’d go so far as to call them opinions. That word in my mind carries with it the sense of an idea having been settled upon. Most of my ideas are just waiting for some other idea to be combined with them so I rarely if ever “settle” on anything. I more collect ideas for later use. By the time you read this, it will probably have been rewritten a dozen times.
There will be sarcasm and irony, and likely no shortage of metaphor. Oh yeah, and puns, lots of puns. What you won’t find are how to’s or tutorials (I barely know what I’m doing half the time), and definitely no ‘Tips and Tricks’ or ‘Top 10 Lists’ (even though that blog about how to write a blog put those two at the very top of its Top 10 Things to Write About in Your Blog). Questions I ask are rarely answered, many likely being unanswerable. Sometimes I will stumble upon something deep and profound, only to stray into something silly to the opposite extreme. I’m really kind of a mess, but I like to think we all have that in common to some extent. It’s actually all in the name, warren; “a network of interconnecting rabbit burrows.”
You have been warned.